Certified Wander 12.8.21

Certified Wander


Lynn Hollow Public Access/Grant River Recreation Area

The young ice is so varied and beautiful this time of year. I also spent a lot of time watching a raccoon. I didn’t get a photo good enough to post (though I probably took about 50), but you can bet I’ll be back to check on him.

Him and that tree.


For my first winter wander of the year, I wanted to go down to the Lynn Hollow Public Access Area to check on a tree I noticed the last time I was there — one that had been gnawed to the point of falling. Only it was still standing, though I was careful where I parked my car. It seems to me it’s only a matter of time, and why press your luck?


  • Category : Winter Wander
  • Date : December 8, 2021
  • Equipment : Nikon D3300, Google Pixel 4a 5G
  • Location : Lynn Hollow Public Access Area/Grant River Recreation Area